Heat Polar Hood - Size S (6-8) or L (9-13)
For extreme weather conditions
The 3rd layer of the HEAT3 layer system. For harshest weather conditions. Since the POLAR HOOD is thin, lightweight and easy packable it is your perfect guarantee for warm hands wherever you may go.- Application: SnowkitingMountaineeringPhotographyParaglidingSpecial forcesHunting
- Glove type: Overslip glove
- Material: Nylon
- Special function: Removal aidMulti-layer combination
- Color: Black
Size HEAT 3 or Heat Shell | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Heat Polar Hood | S | S | S | L | L | L | L | L |
Glove for Police, Military, Security, Special Forces
Heat gloves have been specially developed and manufactured according to the requirements of special task forces in Germany and Austria. Prototypes of the new HEAT layer system have proven themselves in special units under the coldest conditions and are continuously being further developed.
Glove for photographers
Are you planning a photo expedition to the coldest regions of the world? Then the Heat Glove is an essential part of the equipment and allows several hours of outdoor photography without cold hands.
Glove for mountaineers
The Heat 3 gloves were already on many an expedition to more than 6000 altitude meters and also there the gloves convince with climbing, photographing or paragliding.
Gloves for hunters
The predecessor model Heat 3 Smart was the test winner for driven hunt gloves. From the hunters many valuable tips flowed into the product development of the layer system.
Gloves for skiers, snowboarders and adventurers
The new Heat 3 glove is indispensable for many outdoor activities, be it expeditions to the coldest regions, speedflying, snowkiting, skiing, snowboarding or sledging.
Gloves for you
Convince yourself of the "quality for professionals" wherever you are out and about!